Professional Development
The YAEP Professional Development (PD) program is funded by the Yukon Department of Education to provide the opportunity for all YAEP members to develop their knowledge and expertise in areas related to their own professional interest as well as areas that connect to the general Yukon education collective. In these ways, the YAEP PD Fund helps to improve professional growth and capacity building which in turn supports student learning.
YAEP’s PD program is based on the basic principle that educators’ professional growth should be designed and facilitated by educators. We encourage members to invest in their own learning and development by accessing our funding.
Educator & School Wellness
At the YAEP, we place a priority on supporting our members as they support their learning communities. We strongly believe that wellness is a cornerstone to building caring communities and as such, we support a variety of wellness initiatives for our educators and their learners. #YAEPCares